This is a challenging time for us all.
From the wide-ranging impact of COVID-19 to the social unrest that has swept our nation, we have all felt the ground shifting beneath our feet. One thing has remained constant: the role our college plays in addressing the most pressing issues of the day and working collaboratively to help our communities thrive.
In this issue of the CALS Magazine, you will read about how the college is working around the world to combat the pandemic through research and education. You can also read stories that show how the diversity of the faculty, staff, students, and alumni contributes to the work being done at Virginia Tech and across the globe. Nothing makes me prouder of the college than seeing how we come together to help solve the biggest challenges of our time.
Through our combined resilience and our dedication to each other, we know we face a brighter future. This is why during all of this, we continued to craft a bold strategic plan that charts a path for our college in the coming years. The plan was released in fall 2020 and I encourage you to read it on the CALS website to see how we can partner today and in the years to come.
Thank you for being part of the CALS family. Stay safe and be well.